"Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work."

Trainer. Coach. Motivator. Guide.
When was the last time you believed in yourself? When was the last time someone believed in you??
I absolutely love what I do, because I get to be a part of that beautiful moment when YOU do something you didn’t even know you were capable of.
Health and fitness is not my "job"; it’s an essential part of life that I have the privilege of helping you discover.
My passion for this work began with my own personal fitness transformation journey in 2012. I was sick of not being happy with what I saw in the mirror. I hated that I felt clothes never fit me right. I had no energy. I had lifelong problems with anxiety and depression. I had lower back issues and I would regularly strain muscles doing normal everyday activities.
One day I simply decided that enough, was absolutely enough.
It sounds cliche, but that's really all it took. I mean, full disclosure, I had tried many times prior to that year, and failed, or gave up. But this time, I made a commitment to myself to become the best version of myself that I could. I slowly changed the kinds of foods I ate and how I ate them. I got rid of bad habits that were contributing to my unhealthy lifestyle and replaced them with things that brought me closer to my goals. I got off my couch and started moving. I found activities and exercises that I liked doing...and I started seeing results. So then I was hooked. The issues I had that plagued me for so long were fading away. I felt energized, strong, confident, healthy, and HAPPY!

I still work on that commitment I made to myself everyday. The feelings I had and milestones I reached throughout my journey were literally life-changing for me. Things that will absolutely never leave me. I eventually realized that I wanted to do everything I could to bring those feelings and life changes to anyone else who was ready to start their own journey.
I immersed myself in the world of fitness and nutrition. I enrolled in NASM's (National Academy of Sports Medicine) Personal Training program and obtained my certification as a CPT (certified personal trainer). During that time, I began looking for things to push myself harder in my own training and discovered CrossFit and Olympic Weightlifting. I immediately fell in love with the results, and the community, and went for my certifications in those as well.
Helping and teaching people how to find and reach their full potential is something I am fiercely passionate about. EVERYone has a right to live a healthy life and EVERYone has that potential within them -- I truly believe that.
Tools I use to help me help you.

I chose to acquire my Certified Personal Training (CPT) credential through the National Academy of Sports Medicine because theirs is the most respected personal training certification in the health and fitness industry. Since 1987, they have been the global leader in delivering evidence-based certifications and advanced credentials to health and fitness professionals.
Their training methods are scientifically and clinically proven and I wanted to start my career with the best possible certification available.

My older clients are pretty much my favorite people ever. (Shhh, don’t tell everyone else!) Not only fun and cool in general, you know what you want, are ready to work, dedicated, & our training sessions are therefore always super productive and a blast!
My Senior Fitness course provided me with the unique tools necessary to guide older adults toward a healthier lifestyle. Our elderly population has a very different set of needs, both physically and psychologically. Physiological makeup, nutrition requirements, and safety considerations can be very different as well. As we age, many physical changes are inevitable, but habitual participation in physical activity and an eye on what we eat can prevent and reduce the effect of these changes and help prevent injury all while vastly improving quality of life.

The more we learn and understand about fitness training, the more we've proven how a well-designed, golf-focused training program unequivocally improves one's golf game and reduces injuries in the sport.
I wanted to take this course because so many of my current clients LOVE the game and I wanted to learn how to better help them and all new potential clients as well.
The Golf Fitness Specialization course goes into great depth on the physical demands of the sport, the most common injuries (plus how to fix and prevent them), as well as how to implement training programs to help you reach your full swing potential.

Your nutrition is one of the absolute most important things you can control in your life and it is directly responsible for your overall health and lifelong well-being. Precision Nutrition, Inc. is the leading nutrition-focused certification in the industry.
They are completely unaffiliated with any particular school of thought, free of fads and diet crazes, which means that their methods and practices are entirely science and result-based. PN produces some of the world's top nutrition coaches and fitness experts. Their instruction and continued mentoring programs have been invaluable to me and ensure that I have the best tools for you and the most up-to-date knowledge & research available.

I LOVE Olympic weightlifting. The USAW Weightlifting certification ensures its coaches are proficient in the complete technical progressions of the Snatch, Clean & Jerk, and all associated movements as well as having a solid base line knowledge about the programming of training and technical rules.
This title is the only certification recognized by the USOC (United States Olympic Committee) which allows any athletes training under such a coach to be invited to Olympic level competitions.

The desire and decision to become healthy and fit is simple, but the process itself is far from easy sometimes. My Behavioral Change Specialist certification was an extensive course which went deep into the psychology behind behavior change and the vast and varied methods available to help you achieve your goals.
My firsthand experience working with a wide variety of clients has easily demonstrated to me that no two individuals are alike. Systems which use a "cookie cutter" approach to clients' programs rarely work. Each of you have different motivations, learning styles, backgrounds, drive, etc., and should be regarded with a customized method as unique as you are.

The Measurement of Joint Motion
What the heck is goniometry? In a nutshell, it's measuring the angles of your joints and determining if they are moving optimally. If your joints are off , then your muscles are off and vice versa. It's a constant nasty cycle which can lead to imbalances, being more prone to injury & strains, discomfort, decreased performance output, etc.
I find the study of how our bodies work and how literally EVERYthing is connected - fascinating. My passion is helping YOU move and feel the best you possibly can, pain-free, so you can enjoy all your favorite activities for your whole lifetime.
This study course gives me one more tool in my belt to best serve you and improve your quality of life and abilities.

The ability to tap into your inner mental strength and fortitude is not a gift, it's a skill that is learned, can be developed, and used in all aspects of life.
Mental Toughness has been growing in popularity, demand, and demonstrated success among top performers. This course focused on the key aspects of psychological strength for competition and sport, yes, but also for things like sticking to a meal plan or starting, re-starting, or sticking to an exercise routine.
Teaching this skill to my clients increases the effectiveness of our time together by creating better performance results through keeping the mind engaged, responsive, resilient, and strong under pressure.

Obtaining a CrossFit Level 1 Certificate is the essential foundation for becoming proficient at CrossFit. Among other things, the course teaches the fundamental movements, how to coach them, how to identify & correct improper movement in our athletes, the CrossFit methodology, and CrossFit's nutrition guidelines.
I use my CrossFit training not just in my CrossFit coaching, but on a regular basis with many of my clients. The principles of form and function and CrossFit's emphasis on "doing the common uncommonly well" serves not just my athletes, but my beginner and elderly clients as well.